Friday, December 1, 2023

COVID Character: Tezz Videka

Since the start of the pandemic, I have played more role-playing games than I ever have before. I thought I'd use my space to introduce you to my characters, and give you a little background about the system they're in, what they're like, and what they're doing. 

Tezz Videka

Aliases: None
Pronouns: She/Her
Character Concept: Street rat trying to make something of herself
Character Stats: 5th Level Half-Orc Arcane Trickster (Acolyte Background)
Campaign: I don't know that it had a name!
System: D&D 5e
Campaign Status: Suspended
Tezz grew up on the mean streets of a city that is at least a hundred miles in diameter. She was eventually taken in and cared for by a mission house run by a religious order. They helped her get on her feet and figure her life out, so she decided to pay them back by joining the order and helping other people like her.
When the city was sacked by a massive horde of undead, Tezz and her friends went out into the frontier to search for answers. They eventually realized that the undead horde was marching on the dwarven lands to the north. Tezz and her companions pushed themselves to the brink of exhaustion trying to get ahead of the army and warn the dwarves in time.
There was also some stuff with a friendly, flighty elf wizard who rode around on an undead bugbear, and also magical items that were bonded to us that would destroy other magical items that we picked up. Mine was a cloak!

Arcane Trickster is a funny subclass, because you can use Mage Hand to distract your opponent and give yourself the ability to make a Sneak Attack, even if there's no one else around. I liked to imagine that I was giving wet willies to skeletons and zombies.

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