Wednesday, February 21, 2024

The Circle of Seven: Session 2

Evening Activities

The investigators continue their discussion regarding Ms. Collins and Mr. Fresno’s medieval book. Dr. Miller seems to know a surprising amount about medieval manuscripts. He suspects that the book is, effectively, priceless, and that Ms. Collins is practically defrauding them by offering only $300 for it. He also suspects the book is more likely a magical grimoire than a Bible or other religious work. Ada agrees with this.

Everyone agrees that Ms. Collins likely knows more than she’s saying about the book. They resolve to confront her with their suppositions the next time they encounter her.

Dale, desperate to steady his nerves, goes out to the garage and gives Mr. Fresno’s car the once over. He also makes friends with the racoon. The car turns out to be in surprisingly good shape.

Martin steps out to go to the nearest Western Union office. He cables someone in the Dakotas and asks them to put his horse on the next available train.

Everyone else splits up to continue searching through/cleaning the house. Ada busies herself organizing Fresno’s journals, which seem to be evenly split between dossiers on potential heirs and documentation of various occult phenomena.

The Fresno Journals, In No Particular Order

Father Wilk locates a small door in Fresno’s office that leads to the attic. He decides to poke around in there for a bit.

A few minutes after he enters, a loud crash shakes the house. It turns out Father Wilk dislodged a load-bearing bit of detritus in the attic and became trapped under an avalanche of stuff.  Between Dale’s strength and Val’s nimbleness, a bruised Father Wilk is quickly extracted and tended to.

Shortly after that bit of excitement, the investigators decide to head to bed. Val, Father Wilk, and Martin all remain at the house. The rest return to their rooms at the Sutter Root Inn.

Nighttime Noises

Val seems to be an insomniac and spends most of her night awake and outside by the back porch.

At about 3 am, Val hears some noises in the back yard and goes to investigate. These noises also awaken Father Wilk, who comes to the back door to see what’s going on. When he doesn’t notice anything amiss, Father Wilk launches into a fiery religious diatribe, demanding that whatever ne’er-do-well is lurking on the premises show themselves or face the retribution of hell.

His speech is so intimidating that Val worries that Father Wilk is talking about her.

No one answers Father Wilk’s challenge, other than a dog three streets over who starts barking its head off.

With a shrug, the duo go to bed. Meanwhile, Martin sleeps on, untroubled by the disturbance.

Sunday, November 16, 1924

The investigators reconvene at the house to continue going through Mr. Fresno’s personal effects. They are soon joined by Gus and Gabby Detherage, who have returned with a list of their rates. The Detherages charge a dollar a day and twenty-five cents per load they take to the dump. This seems equitable to the group, and so the Detherages are hired to clean out the house. They work with the investigators to clear the kitchen and dining area.

The investigators notice that Gabby keeps looking nervously at her grandfather. They eventually deduce that this is because Gus is an old guy and Gabby is worried about him, and not because the Detherages are finding any weird or untoward things in their excavations.

Gabby Detherage

Dale decides to check out the attic in the daylight, to see if he can find anything that Father Wilk might have missed. He notices something that looks very much like a warding circle carved into the floorboards. He points it out to the others, and everyone worriedly discusses what it means and what they’ve gotten themselves into.

During this discussion, Gus approaches the investigators. He tells them that he and Gabby have started to clear out the basement. He also says that he has found a locked door behind some junk and wants to know if the investigators want that cleaned out as well.

“If’n you do, I’ll need you to unlock it, o’course.”

The investigators proceed to the basement to find that the Detherages have uncovered not only the door, but also a nearby workbench. Val goes through the ring of keys and ultimately finds one that unlocks the padlock on the door. Opening the door reveals a crude alcove that seems to have been hacked out of the basement wall. There seems to be a shaft leading down into the earth, which is blocked off by an unadorned metal manhole cover.

Taped to the manhole cover is an envelope that reads, “to my friends.”

The Letter

The investigators take some time to read the letter, which is from Nicholas Fresno and written in June of 1919. Fresno welcomes the reader to his house and hopes that they will be able to carry on his strange and dangerous work. He mentions that the "Veil" around Port Harbor is very thin, and that he has tried--with some success--to keep any cracks from growing or spreading.

He closes with a crude drawing of some tunnels that he claims run beneath Port Harbor. He hopes that the map will be of use to the reader in some of their future endeavors.

The investigators mostly cannot decipher the map’s labels. They suspect that it is not to scale and that at least one tunnel leads to the shores of the Abbenasset River. Ada wonders if the label “UR” means that the tunnels—or part of them—were once part of the Underground Railroad. Dr. Miller thinks that the map looks suspiciously like a ritual symbol he's seen once or twice before.

To My Friends



Wednesday, February 7, 2024

The Circle of Seven: Session 1


The Eccentric Mr. Fresno

The Reading of the Will

While things are still getting set up, the investigators spend a little time studying the décor in the first floor of the Fresno house. Father Wilk notes a dearth of crucifixes or any signs of proper Christian faith but does see some figurines and iconography used in Oceanic religions. Ada notes that Fresno’s book collection, while haphazard, is also extensive. He had read both fiction and non-fiction and has several somewhat valuable first editions in his downstairs library.  

Coffee is poured and everyone sits. While Mabel takes notes in shorthand, Mr. Sebastian reads Mr. Fresno’s will.

The terms of the will are frankly bizarre. Mr. Fresno, who has neither spouse nor children, has come up with a list of 140 potential heirs using unknown means. Of these 140 people, seven of them must be “active” heirs of his estate, which includes the property in Port Harbor, two bank accounts, and the contents of the safety deposit box in Port Harbor’s 2nd National Bank. 

The Will

Mr. Sebastian says that he picked the first seven names on the list—the investigators—but that they will only become heirs if they agree to sign sworn affidavits that they will uphold all the terms of the will. Mr. Fresno also hoped that at least one heir be willing to live on the property, but if no one does, the property should be sealed and not used or rented out for anything else.

A lively discussion follows, during which Dr. Miller excuses himself to telephone his lawyer for advice. Of the investigators, only Val seems interested in immediately signing the affidavit. The rest insist that they must think about it, which Mr. Sebastian is fine with. There are many questions regarding the will and its terms. Mr. Sebastian answers as best as he can.

  • He does not know how or why Mr. Fresno came up with the list of 140 names, but he suspects the investigators could find out the particulars upon searching the property.
  • There is no penalty if any or all of them refuse to be heirs. He will simply continue down the list.
  • In the event all potential heirs are exhausted, the Fresno house becomes property of the town of Port Harbor.

The investigators also ask about Mr. Fresno himself and are told that he was in his mid-seventies, an antiquarian, and a nature lover. He passed away suddenly on September 29th, while hiking on Ringrose Mountain, of an apparent heart attack. By the time rescuers arrived on the scene, it was far too late for him to be revived.

The Manuscript

Mr. Sebastian asks the investigators to accompany him to the 2nd National Bank, so that he can show them the contents of the safety deposit box. They agree, and he calls up some taxis to ferry them over.

Once at the bank, Mr. Sebastian procures and unlocks the safety deposit box, revealing a large, medieval manuscript with leather bound wooden covers, brass fittings and a large brass lock. This causes some amusement for Mabel, who forces Mr. Sebastian to pay her a dollar.

“None of us at the office had any idea what was in the box,” explains Mr. Sebastian, “so we started a betting pool.”

“He thought it was gold bars,” says Mabel, primly. “Confederate gold bars.”

Mabel Ohlmstead

Ada, a books dealer, analyzes the manuscript. She judges it to be from somewhere in the Baltics, 9th century. She agrees with Father Wilk that it is probably a religious text, but she also mentions that books with locks were more commonly found on alchemical treatises. She also says that she can’t determine much more about the book until she is able to look inside.

When Mr. Sebastian says that he doesn’t have a key for the book’s lock, the investigators begin discussing how to get it open. Dale thinks the mechanism inside might be so old that it will either fail or break. Crowbars, pliers, and lockpicks are also mentioned. Mr. Sebastian puts an abrupt end to this discussion by mentioning that none of them can do anything to the book until they sign affidavits to become Mr. Fresno’s heirs. Until then, the book is not their property.

At this point, Val, Dale, Martin, and Saul all sign affidavits. Val enthusiastically, the others because they have become quite intrigued about the situation that they’ve found themselves in.

Ada mentions that she knows someone in town who might be able to give her additional guidance on the book. For now, however, the investigators leave the book in the bank.

A Light Lunch

Mr. Sebastian takes the investigators to the Duchess Diner for lunch before bringing them to the Sutter Root Inn next door, where he has reserved them all rooms for the night. The inn serves as a boarding house for elderly single men and for the occasional traveler.

As the others are putting their luggage in their rooms, Val says that she wouldn’t mind staying at the Fresno place. Mr. Sebastian hands her the keys. As she makes plans to return to the house, the rest of the investigators decide to accompany her to do a little more exploring. Mr. Sebastian has the taxis take them back to the house and tells them that, if they need anything else from him, he will be at his office.


The investigators take stock of Mr. Fresno’s house. The man proves to have been a bit of a pack rat. There are boxes and papers and books piled high in every available corner. One formidable pile of detritus completely blocks the door to an upstairs bedroom. The house’s basement and garage are filled practically floor to ceiling with clutter of every possible type. The clutter in the garage has gotten so bad that it has mostly entombed Mr. Fresno’s dusty Model T car.

Val, suspicious that someone might have tampered with the car, goes to investigate it. She finds nothing apart from a startled racoon.

Dr. Miller calls his lawyer back on the house phone. His lawyer says that the terms of Mr. Fresno’s will are certainly unusual, but there’s nothing in it that sets off any alarm bells. He tells Dr. Miller to sign it, but only if he wants to.

The other investigators, meanwhile, move the pile of junk away from the upstairs bedroom door. Opening the door, they discover that this bedroom is Mr. Fresno’s somewhat tidier office. Thinking that the office might give them more information regarding Fresno and his decision-making process, the investigators give it a thorough going over.

The First Visitor

There is a knock on the front door. Dr. Miller answers it and finds an elderly man standing outside. Behind the man, out in the street, a young woman dressed in men’s clothing sits on the running board of a horse-drawn junk cart.

The man introduces himself as Gus Detherage, the junk man. He’s heard that someone’s taking charge of the Fresno place and expects that they’ve got a lot of junk that needs to be taken care of. He and his granddaughter are happy to cart whatever junk they’ve got to the dump.

Gus Detherage

Dr. Miller sizes Gus up and doesn’t like what he sees. He tells Gus to come back tomorrow once the investigators have taken stock of the property, and to bring a handwritten copy of his rates. Gus obliges and promises to come back the next day (Sunday) at 10:00.

The Study

Fresno’s study features, among other things, a locked roll top desk and a trunk filled with about two dozen identical black journals.

Val, who has been given the keys to the property, finds the key to the desk and unlocks it. Inside are, among other things, several decks of Tarot cards, a pendulum, yarrow sticks, Norse runes, and other tools of divination. Dale surprises the others with the depths of his knowledge about these divinatory objects. Acting on a hunch, he prowls around the room until he finds a well-worn map of the continental US. Unfolding it, he finds several faint scrapings that might have been caused by the pendulum tip, as well as neat pencil marks made in various parts of the country. His home city of Detroit is one of the marked places.

The two dozen journals are similarly interesting. Roughly half contain painstaking notes, in pencil, of various individuals. These individuals are arranged in no particular order and their entries are of varying lengths. Some of them have photographs and newspaper articles pasted onto the page as supplementary information. Father Wilk’s entry is found rather quickly. The accompanying photograph seems to have been taken at some point in the distant past. The investigators wonder how Fresno could have gotten the picture, and whether Wilk had met Fresno at some point and not remembered it.

The contents of the other journals are first discovered by Val, who opens one up to a random page featuring a pencil drawing of a horrifying creature. Her frightened yelp draws the attention of the rest of the investigators.

Dale looks through the dropped journal and his eyes happen to land on a page featuring a destructive bonfire with a flame-wreathed figure standing in the center. He breaks out into a sweat, closes the book, drops it, and abruptly leaves the room.

Ada also looks at the journal and discovers a written passage describing a lurid, frankly disturbing scene, that seems to be part ritual sex act and part ritual sacrifice. She is discomfited and closes the book, deciding that maybe these journals should be put aside, for now.

The Second Visitor

Dr. Miller, a trained psychiatrist, follows Dale downstairs to check up on him. Dale explains that he used to work in a steel mill in Detroit, which had been abruptly shut down after an accident. During the accident, Dale mentions that he and several of the other workers saw “something” horrible, and that there is somehow an artistic rendition of that “something” in one of Fresno’s journals.

Dr. Miller tells Dale that, contrary to the usual parameters of psychiatric care that he should trust his own eyes and try to come to terms with what he saw.

Just then, there is a knock at the door. Dr. Miller answers it and finds two young ladies standing on the porch. They are dressed in shapeless robes and cloaks—one all in yellow, the other in bright pink---and are carrying a covered picnic basket between them. They introduce themselves as Sister Ray and Sister Penumbra, and step into the house.

Their arrival draws the rest of the investigators, whom the women enthusiastically greet. The women say that they had heard people were moving into the Fresno place and have brought over a housewarming gift as a way of welcoming them to the community. The basket turns out to contain fresh bread, jam, and other preserves. Val immediately begins stuffing her face.

The women also say that if the investigators find themselves lonely, out of sorts, or just looking to become better acquainted with town life, they have an open invitation to visit their church in the north end of town.

This prompts Father Wilk to ask if the women are part of the Luminous Church. The women are delighted that the good father knows of their organization and are frankly surprised that a Catholic priest has heard of it.

The investigators question Sisters Ray and Penumbra about the church. They learn that it is the Luminous Church of the Ten Heartfelt Fires, which is presided over by Alpha Solaris Maxima Est, High Priestess of the Solar Kingdom and Helios Rebecca, Flare of the Northern Hemisphere, Princess of the Solar Kingdom. The investigators manage to not laugh at these florid titles while asking if Mr. Fresno was a member of the church. The sisters respond that he wasn’t because he had his own rather peculiar religious beliefs. They become increasingly uncomfortable when the investigators press them on this topic.

Sister Ray and Penumbra soon take their leave, but not before passing out a few handbills with the name and location of the Luminous Church. The handbills also note that Alpha Solaris’s Christian name is Mary Ellen Masterson, while Helios Rebecca’s is Greta Brown.

The Third Visitor

The women open the front door to depart, only to reveal that there is yet another person standing out on the front porch. This person is a woman, older and more normally dressed, who regards the departing Luminous Church members with a mixture of bafflement and amusement.

She introduces herself as Maude Collins, a correspondent and colleague of Mr. Fresno’s. She mentions calling Mr. Sebastian’s law office to inquire about the state of the property, where she learned about today’s reading of the will.

Maude Collins

Maude says that she, like Mr. Fresno, were both avid readers and antiquarians, and that Mr. Fresno has a certain book in his collection that she would like to obtain for her library. She describes the locked medieval manuscript currently residing in the 2nd National Bank. The investigators tell her that they haven’t seen such a book and ask about its contents.

Maude says that the book is a one-of-a-kind manuscript with an interesting history. It is a 10th century Bible, reputed to have been transcribed and illuminated by a blind Slavic monk. She mentions, once again, that she is desperate to have it, before writing down her contact information and handing it over to Dale. After this, she welcomes the investigators to Port Harbor and, understanding that they must be very tired after a difficult day, excuses herself and departs.
Dale glances down at her contact information and notices that she has written “$300,” which she has subsequently circled three times.

After Ms. Collins’ departure, Father Wilk states, without equivocation, that she is lying about the contents of the book. Firstly, any book that pre-dates the printing press is, by definition, one-of-a-kind. Secondly, if a blind monk had transcribed and illuminated a copy of the Bible, this would have been considered a miracle by the Church. Since Father Wilk has never heard of this monk or of this Bible. Father Wilk admits that he doesn’t know why she is lying about the contents of the book, just that she is.

Saturday, February 3, 2024

The Circle of Seven: Introduction and Session 0

My players and I had a hankering to play Call of Cthulhu again, so I happily whipped up a new setting and so that we could have another go at some 1920s horror shenanigans.

The interesting thing about this campaign, at least to start with, is that it's not taking place in Lovecraft Country. Instead, we're going to be using a (slightly modified) version of the Call of Cthulhu rules to play in the setting I created for A Malignant Universe. For those that don't know--which I think is everyone--A Malignant Universe is my own 1920s horror shenanigans game, which is inspired by Call of Cthulhu, but which uses the Traits System for Boldly Go!

So, if you're following along and you're like, "where's Arkham?" or, "what the heck is this monster?!" or, "hang on, that's not Nyarlathotep!" There's a reason why.

As has become typical, we used Session 0 to talk about the characters and set the scene. A scene which goes a little something like this: