Wednesday, December 20, 2023

COVID Character: Razorgrass Molly

Since the start of the pandemic, I have played more role-playing games than I ever have before. I thought I'd use my space to introduce you to my characters, and give you a little background about the system they're in, what they're like, and what they're doing.

Razorgrass Molly

Aliases: Dread Captain Molly, Captain of the Sea Otter
Pronouns: She/her
Character Concept: Slightly reformed pirate, servant of Aldea
Character Stats: Specialist
Campaign: Blue Rose
System: Blue Rose
Campaign Status: Discontinued due to game complexity

After our successful Blades in the Dark game, we decided to try something new and different. We eventually settled on Blue Rose, which (I think) none of us had played before, and which promised a fairly different gaming experience - fantasy, but with romance!

The players were tasked with protecting a pop-up town on the border of the kingdom, which had been established by the Queen to provide homes and a safe haven for refugees. The town was populated by a wide assortment of characters, most of whom could be romantic partners, should we want them, and all of whom could be allies, quest givers, plot motivators, and plot complications.

One of the things that Blue Rose has going for it that I like is that the more successes you get on a roll, the more conditions you can apply to your target. So if you're fencing (a thing I did pretty regularly), you'd injure your target on a normal hit, but if you did really well, you could disarm them, stun them, or similar.

I only got to play my badass, bisexual, ace, swashbuckling pirate for a few sessions before the game ended. Blue Rose is an RPG in the D&D vein, meaning that it requires a lot of prep and learning a lot of rules. It was fun, but it was a bit too much for a group that had been playing Blades in the Dark for...three years? by that point, so we switched to something a little easier.

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