Tuesday, December 5, 2023

COVID Character: Catherine Planchett

Since the start of the pandemic, I have played more role-playing games than I ever have before. I thought I'd use my space to introduce you to my characters, and give you a little background about the system they're in, what they're like, and what they're doing.  

Catherine Planchett

Aliases: None
Pronouns: She/Her
Character Concept: Upbeat, thoroughly modern girl who loves the Charleston
Character Stats: Investigator who started out as a Librarian, but become a Nurse
Campaign: Masks of Nyarlathotep
System: Call of Cthulhu, 7th Edition
Campaign Status: Suspended, for now

I love the Lackadaisy comic. So much so that I based Catherine's personality on the character of Miss Pepper. I also use the art from Miss Pepper's human reverse fursona (everyone in Lackadaisy is an anthropomorphic cat) as Catherine's character art. 

Catherine is furiously upbeat, fun, optimistic, and adventurous. I have also leaned very hard into her being an excitable tourist on all of her globetrotting investigations--to the point that I made sure to outfit her with a really good camera and regionally appropriate clothing. 

This actually resulted in a fun anecdote from our very first investigation in Peru. We knew we were going to be heading up into the Andes, and so I had a scene in which Catherine was doing deep breathing exercises to help stave off hypoxia. Then, when we finally got high enough into the mountains that we needed to make CON rolls to see how we did in the thin air...I was the only one who failed.

Catherine is fiercely loyal to her friends, and is particularly close with Nell Bergram (who jumped from the previous game to the new game). She is also more than a little bit in awe of Eliza Bergram-Porter, Nell's older sister and a super smart professor who seems to always be able to figure everything out.

I had to take a break playing Catherine for a short duration when we were having adventures in England. We got jumped by a bunch of cultists and Catherine got stabbed really badly. Her friends had to carry her to the nearest hospital while Catherine moaned in delirium and asked for, "a big glass of orange juice."

Call of Cthulhu's healing is pretty slow. While Catherine was in the hospital recovering and mooning over all the handsome, young British doctors, I made a replacement character so I could continue playing the game.

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