Sunday, December 3, 2023

COVID Character: Argentus St. Huber

Since the start of the pandemic, I have played more role-playing games than I ever have before. I thought I'd use my space to introduce you to my characters, and give you a little background about the system they're in, what they're like, and what they're doing.  

Argentus St. Huber 

Aliases: None
Pronouns: He/Him
Character Concept: On the run from his former associates, a dangerous gang of rabbit bandits.
Character Stats: 7th Level Harengon Monk, Way of Shadow
Campaign: The Wild Beyond the Witchlight
System: D&D 5e
Campaign Status: Completed, and by this character!

As mentioned in my previous post, I had increasing difficulty playing the very upbeat Weetle across from some of the very bad and upsetting things going on in the Feywild. I told my DM that I wanted to make a new character, but that I also wanted to make that new character fit in with the setting so that it wasn't too weird.

Enter Argentus, whose name is a pretty glorious reference if you know anything about rabbits. He is also a lop-eared bunny, but Heroforge doesn't let you make lop ears, so he's wearing a hood, instead.

I'll try to tell Argentus' story with as few spoilers as possible: During the campaign, our party encountered a band of harengon brigands who are surprisingly vicious. We survived the encounter, but had a sort of respect/utter hatred from them ever since.

I was very entertained at the prospect of playing a rabbit person, so I decided that Argentus had a change of heart and decided to leave brigandry behind. He just so happened to be in the process of...ahem...borrowing a rowboat when the rest of the party showed up. After a tense back and forth, they decided to take him along.

I don't usually powergame (and frequently do the opposite of minmaxing called "maxmining"), but I accidentally made a pretty broken build with Argentus. Harengon can jump around a lot without provoking attacks of opportunity. All that movement, plus taking the Way of Shadow, makes for a pretty powerful monk. Many foes fell to my fuzzy fists of fury, I can tell you!

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