Thursday, December 14, 2023

COVID Character: Lou

Since the start of the pandemic, I have played more role-playing games than I ever have before. I thought I'd use my space to introduce you to my characters, and give you a little background about the system they're in, what they're like, and what they're doing.


Picture redacted for reasons of sanity.

Aliases: True name is hideous and unpronounceable by human tongues.
Pronouns: Usually he/him
Character Concept: Cthulhu, but, like, if he was a Brooklynite dishwasher at a diner
Character Stats: It was FATE, so there weren't that many!
Campaign: I don't think it had one
System: Nitrate City- A World of Adventure for FATE Core
Campaign Status: Abandoned

This was the semi/sorta sequel to the FATE superhero game in which Lutz played. This one is set in Nitrate City, which is a film noir setting populated with classic movie monsters. So it's kind of grim and gritty, with chiaroscuro lighting, fedora hats, too much cigarette smoke, and also the wolf man and mummy are private detectives, or something.

I decided to play as either Cthulhu himself or one of his star spawn--I never really decided. He had somehow wound up in Nitrate City and had gotten most of his powers taken away from him. Left stranded and friendless in an uncaring city, he walked the sepia-stained streets for a while until he got a job washing dishes at a local diner. The other player was his coworker, a waitress who was a Frankenstein monster.

So, my character wore an apron and a hairnet and had a heart tattoo on his shoulder with the word "Hydra" superimposed on it. He smoked too much, spoke in the best New Yawk accent I could manage, and was on the trail of some two-bit hood or other. But then the campaign ended.

Oh well, it was worth it just to make this silly character!

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