Saturday, December 23, 2023

COVID Character: Yaldandros

Since the start of the pandemic, I have played more role-playing games than I ever have before. I thought I'd use my space to introduce you to my characters, and give you a little background about the system they're in, what they're like, and what they're doing.


Aliases: Aachee, Exiled from the Cult of the Technoraven
Pronouns: He/him
Character Concept: Elderly healer with a complicated past
Character Stats: Expert Healer
Campaign: A Lamentations of the Flame Princess adventure
System: Worlds Without Number
Campaign Status: Terminated

I have a soft spot in my heart for weird, post-apocalyptic fantasy. The Book of the New Sun, The Dying Earth, and the Dark Tower series are perennial favorites. So when one of my GM friends pitched a post-apocalyptic fantasy game for a bunch of us to play, I was all in it to win it!

We used Worlds Without Number, which is an entry in the X Without Number line of games. This version centers on the weird fantasy genre, especially of the type that includes science fiction elements. The system features a mix of old-school D&D and Traveller, for maximum crunchy goodness.

I played Yaldandros (a name I made up by smooshing Baldanders and Dr. Talos' names together and then futzing around with the result). He was old, wrinkly, cagey, and sort of cryptic. I made him an Expert (a person who uses skill instead of fighting or magic) and had him specialize in healing. I did this because it sounded neat, and also because the game seemed fairly lethal. I figured that someone who didn't rely on magic to heal people would be invaluable. 

We adventured in the ruins of an old wizard tower that seemed to be protected by some kind of lightning field. We mucked around in the basement and in a puzzle room, gathering such strange treasures as a jar of living, thinking meat that constantly regenerated itself (useful for the old larder), and some other things I'm a bit fuzzy on. 

Alas, the game ended early due to scheduling issues. Which is too bad, because I was enjoying myself.


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