Monday, December 11, 2023

COVID Character: Khazana Stonespine

Since the start of the pandemic, I have played more role-playing games than I ever have before. I thought I'd use my space to introduce you to my characters, and give you a little background about the system they're in, what they're like, and what they're doing.  

Khazana Stonespine

Aliases: None
Pronouns: She/her
Character Concept: A shy, bookish dwarven wizard
Character Stats: 3rd level Mountain Dwarf Order of Scribes Wizard
Campaign: The Shattered Obelisk
System: D&D 5e
Campaign Status: Ongoing

We tabled our Masks of Nyarlathotep game for a bit, because it was getting to be a lot, and decided to take a break to play some more D&D. We started out with Curse of Strahd, but realized that might be a bit much. So we ran away from Barovia (like smart people) and went to the Sword Coast, in the hopes of finding a lost mine, or something. 

This campaign is proving to be pretty fun so far. It's an expansion of the Lost Mines of Phandelver, which is written to be "your introduction to D&D," and it works very well on that front. There's the quick opening fight to get everyone up to speed, the introduction of the Big Quest, the arrival at Ye Towne, which is also a quest hub, and the promise of adventure in every six mile hex we plan to visit.

At present, we're working on clearing out some undead, and also a dragon, from a town that was destroyed in a volcanic eruption. Which means that, officially, this is the most D&D of D&D games, because we encountered a dungeon in session one and a dragon in session four!

Oh, I should tell you about my character. Herp! 

Khazana is a very nice, very sheltered dwarf from somewhere to the left of screen. She's as accomplished you can be as a third level wizard, with minors in Arcana, History, and Investigation. I made her dump stat Charisma (classic, baby, classic), but I decided that she was sort of shy and sheltered instead of being the broody loner what broods in tavern. This has also resulted in me playing her as someone very out of her depth in a big, wide, new (to her) world that has lots of monsters and intrigue in it. Oh, and a really nasty young green dragon.

Speaking of the dragon...we got some insanely lucky rolls and managed to blow it out of the sky. Then gravity asserted itself and its corpse landed right on Khazana. Thanks to dwarven constitution and some temporary hit points from one of her friends, she survived! Barely!

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