Saturday, December 2, 2023

COVID Character: Weetle!

Since the start of the pandemic, I have played more role-playing games than I ever have before. I thought I'd use my space to introduce you to my characters, and give you a little background about the system they're in, what they're like, and what they're doing. 


Aliases: None
Pronouns: She/Her
Character Concept: Just the nicest, most upbeat gnome you've ever met.
Character Stats: 3rd Level Gnome Ranger
Campaign: The Wild Beyond the Witchlight
System: D&D 5e
Campaign Status: Completed, but not by this character!

I got invited to play the very Fae-heavy "The Wild Beyond the Witchlight" campaign, and so I tried to play a character that I thought was well out of my wheelhouse. I tend to play characters fairly cautiously, being an old and well-seasoned gamer, and I figured something as whimsical as this campaign might not be the best place for that sort of attitude.

Thus, Weetle, a very cheery, happy-go-lucky gnome and Pidgey, her little birdy friend. She said yes to almost anything, threw herself into some ridiculous situations, and was just super jazzed to be doing stuff with her new friends!

I think that Weetle's niche was the first chapter of the campaign, which is set in a fairy carnival. Weetle played all the games, ate all the foods, went on all the rides, and had a ton of fun. She even used her speak with animals abilities to encourage her riding snail in the snail races. As a result, she was voted the Queen of the Fair, and got herself some sweet temporary powers to go along with it.

I found her a little harder to play once we got into the Feywild and the campaign started to get somewhat darker. It's hard to be cheerful all the time when a bunch of hags are doing terrible stuff to people. After a while, I realized I couldn't maintain the characterization, so I had to let her go and play something a bit closer to type.

Which is the next character in this series!

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